Monday, October 15, 2012

October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month!

Let's face it, we all need love in our life and what better way than to have a furry companion that is there for you no matter what. With this being said and October being Adopt a Shelter Dog Month - why not give a dog a second chance at a happy home?

Gerbeaux Dog Bakery is passionate about pets and all enjoying the experience of joy and love in a shelter dog. Think of the way that a adopted animal can assist you in life.
  • Is there a elderly parent than might need a companion? 
  • Do you need a exercise buddy? 
  • Do you live alone and find that a pet might improve your loneliness? 
  • Do you find that your children would love a pet and be able to show the animal love? 
An adopted pet can bring so many things to the lives of humans. Gerbeaux Dog Bakery encourages all people to visit their local animal shelter and see what they have. It won't hurt to go in and visit with the dogs and cats there to see if they fit your personality.

Of course there are many things that you need to think of and consider as you begin your process such as:
1/ Will the size of the dog fit into your lifestyle and home
2/ Will you and your family be able to adequately take care of the animal
3/ Can you finally afford a pet at this time.

 If you can figure out the best solution and still be able to adopt a pet this month, please do. There is no greater love than the love of a pet so head out to your local animal shelter or visit to find the perfect furry friend for you and your family. You won't regret it!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Support PINK this October!

No way to forget that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every person has been touched by cancer in some way - and for those survivors and those who we have lost - Gerbeaux Dog Bakery admire and honor you.

Whatever your choice is this October - make sure to Bark for the Cure and help cure Breast Cancer!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Flu Season for Dogs too!!

Flu Season has officially started and your pet may be at risk too! YEP, dogs can get the flu too!

Did you know that CIV is Canine influenza virus? All dogs can get CIV, some can get very sick and some may not show symptoms at all. CIV is highly contagious to other dogs just as human flu.

CIV can have the following signs, so watch for them this season
  • Mild Fever
  • Tiredness
  • No Appetite
  • Dry cough with some sputum
  • Runny Nose
It's hard to imagine your dog having the flu since human's are so worried about flu themselves, but at Gerbeaux Dog Bakery we care about all animals and want you to be informed.

If your dog goes to Dog Parks, a kennel, to a Dog Spa or you walk him in a group - they are at bigger risk for CIV.  It is imperative that you at your Vet about CIV to make sure that your little one stays healthy. There is great treatment for CIV - so ask about it.

For more information on CIV - contact your Vet or visit
There is alot of information out there about CIV and the new vaccination for the dog flu - to see if your state has been infected - visit the CIV State Locator.

Watch this wonderful video below and stay informed about Canine Influenza Virus!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Watch the candy and the goblins!

With Halloween only weeks away, soon our houses will be filled with ghosts, ghouls, goblins and candy. Storing up candy for the Halloween night "trick-or-treaters" and bringing home a bag full of goodies can be exciting and fun—but unfortunately, it can cause some problems in your home for your furry little ghosts.

Our four legged goblins enjoy diving into those trick or treat bags, but candy doesn't set well with our pets. Chocolate is any amount is bad for your pet. Chocolate has both caffeine and theobromine a stimulant occurring in the cacao bean. Consumption of theobromine by our pets can lead serious medical issues such as seizures, toxicity, convulsions and even death in some pets.

Be aware of Xylitol. Xylitol is a chemical used as a sweetener in sugar free and reduced sugar food items. These items are chewing gum and some candy. This dangerous chemical can cause liver failure, vomiting, depression and seizures.

Watch those hard candies - hard candy can get lodged in the throat of your pet making them very prone to choking.

While we know that Halloween is a super fun time for our children, not so sure it's great for our pets. Take extra steps to ensure that the Halloween candy is kept up on tables and far away from our little curious creatures.  Try having great dog treats on hand to give your pet - Gerbeaux Dog Bakery has great iced dog treats and seasonal dog treats that you can give all year long.

If you suspect that your pet has consumed candy - contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at  (888) 426-4435.

So, take care of those little Halloweenies this Halloween and take those extra steps for pet safety at Halloween

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm Mr. Lonely......

Summer has come to an end and school is getting started which means that, for some families, kids are leaving the home to go to school and or going off to college. This can be a tough time for everyone (Mom's, don't cry!) and even for your furry family member - he can get sad too.  

Dog depression is real and can lead to some unfortunate things in the life of your friend.

Here are some things to look for when determining if your pet is depressed:

Does your pet find joy in the things that used to make them excited? Dogs feel our emotions and reproduce them, in a way, helping to carry the load. When a family is sad to see a child leaving for school, dogs reveal their personal sadness by no longer participating in that game of Frisbee they used to love, swimming, or even by going on walks in the neighborhood.

  • Has your pet's eating and sleeping habits changed? If you have an active dog, you will most likely notice this the most!
  • Does your pet seem lethargic or mopey?
  • Do they sleep most of  the day?
  • Are they refusing to eat?

Thinking through these signs of pet depression can be critical in the well being of your furry friend. After all, losing a kid to college can be hard on everyone, help your pet get through it! Speak to your vet about what your concerns are and see what they suggest. Provide them some new dog treats when they participate in family fun. Anything that you can think of to bring them out of their shell.

Pet loneliness is real and if you see it, do something to help them out, after all they get down in the dumps too!